Mole Removal

Most moles are harmless, but your healthcare provider might recommend removing a mole if it looks suspicious. Moles can also be removed for cosmetic reasons. Whether you have surgical excision or shaving to remove a mole, the procedure is quick and shouldn’t hurt once the area is numb. After the procedure, you may have stinging or burning around the area for a few days.

Mole removal is a medical or cosmetic procedure in which a mole, or nevus, is removed from the skin. Moles are typically pigmented skin growths that can be flat or raised and vary in color.

If you are considering mole removal for cosmetic reasons or due to concerns about a particular mole, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional who can assess the mole, discuss the available options, and recommend the most appropriate method based on your individual circumstances.

Category: Aesthetic Services
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